
My Second Blogiversary!

This week marks my second blog aniversary. Yes, I have been blogging for two years now! How crazy is that? I honestly never thought I would last this long, but I 'm definitely glad I stuck to it. I love that I have documented so many lovely memories to look back on. I thought it would be fun to celebrate this little fact my sharing some favorites from the last two years!

Most popular posts
In the last two year's I've written 87 blogposts, but not all of them were published (yet). Some posts had more reads than others, but there are three that really stick out. They were all published on Blogher.com as well which helped generate the many reads they got (most reads were on the Blogher,com website). My birth story 'How to smile your way through labor' was definitely the most read post with almost 8500(!) reads. My pregnancy experience with Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome and my Mommy Uniform post both recieved about 1000 reads per blogpost. Not bad considering the fact I never really expected anyone to read them. I probably should do more posts like these three. They were all very personal. But I must admit that sharing so much of myself with the world still feels a bit akward for me. If you are interested, here are the links to these three posts:
How To Smile Your Way Trough Labor
Pregnancy and Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome
The Mommy Uniform

My favorite posts
The most read posts are also pretty much my personal favorites. But I would probably swap out The Mommy Uniform for London, baby!. Mainly because it was such an awsome experience to visit London with my family and I love to look back on that.

My favorite Pictures
Pictures are a big part of my blog. Every post contains atleast one and all the pictures on this blog were pretty much all taken by me. Let me share some of my favorites from the last two years!
Remember when baby mugging was a thing? We sure do! :) 

Charlotte during our 2014 summer vacation in France. She was just released from the hospital and we were so glad o have her back on her feet! 

Sun + nature = love!
Me and my beautiful little nugget! I love the background and I love that we are both wearing matching pink coats. I am a sucker for cheesy stuff like that. 

I will never be a real fashion blogger, but this picture looks pretty legit! 

My favorite Experiences
The most awsome blogging experience was definitely being featured on Blogher.com. I visit their website daily and I've read so many incredible articles from so many incredible bloggers on there. That I got to be a part of that was absolutely incredible!

My second favorite experience is joining a fashion linkup. Like I mentioned before, I struggle with how much of I show on this blog, but doing this definitely helped getting my out of my comfort zone and trying out new things.

And third become an avid blog reader! I'm a busy girl, so sitting down and reading an entire book is a challenge for me. But if I have a couple of minutes to myself I love to scroll through my reading list and see what my favorite bloggers have been up to.

Well, that pretty much summons up my first two years of blogging! I'm curious to see where the third year will lead me. How long have you been blogging for?

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