
It's a Wonderful Life...

I feel like I may be suffering from the fall blues a little. Life can get a bit overwhelming at times, especially if you're a full time working mom. Work has been crazy and it seems like no matter what I do, it's just nog good enough. And when I get home I feel so exhausted that I don't seem te have the energy to be the fun, energenic mom Charlotte needs me to be. And obviously the fact that the days are getting colder and darker doesn't do much for my energy level either. I guess you could say I'm in a bit of a funk at the moment and it's making me questions the decisions I have made for me and my family. But luckily I understand that eventhough I am going through a rough patch right now, that doesn't mean life isn't wonderful. It just means I have to put a little more effort into seeing it. So let me share five things that always seem to do the trick for me. 

Blowing bubbles at sunset
Because blowing bubbles is awsome in general, but doing it at sunset makes iy even more special. The setting sun will make your bubbles even prettier than they already are. The colors will really pop and it's like having a dozen little rainbows floating all around you. It's just one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. And it's so simple and easy that you can do it in your own backyard. All you need is a clear sky, a sunset and a little bit of bubble blow.  

Bake or cook something delicious (and eat it!)
Nothing says 'me time' like preparing something delicious and taking all the time in the world to enjoy it. Really create a special moment for yourself and treat yourself to one of your all time favorites. For me it's this delicious oatmeal crumble that always seems to do the trick. I indulge with a little bit of whipped cream on the side and a good cappuccino. 

Doing early morning yoga
When you're in a bit of a funk it is really tempting to stay in bed all morning. But that only make you feel worse. Physical exercise will make you feel good about yourself, it will energize you and it won't make you feel like you just wasted a perfectlty good morning. And when my daughter decides to join in I enjoy it even more! And all you need for this is a yoga mat. And preferly some loose fitting clothes, but that isn't a necessity. You can always do naked yoga! :)

Enjoying nature
Especially when life it getting a little bit too complicated, there is nothing better than going back to nature...literally! Even if it's just for a little while. Just breathe the fresh air, focus on the trail ahead of you and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. A great way to clear your head and let go of the stress you are carrying around with you. See live as it was intended to be. Simple, peaceful and beautiful. And who knows, you might walk into something cool and unexpted while exploring new places. Like this warning sign I bumped into a couple of weeks ago. Apparently the've had some issues with low flying witches in this forrest or something... I continued my way with caution! Haha!

Cuddling up!
It is a fact, cuddling will make you feel better. Cuddling releases oxytocin, which is known as the 'feel good bonding hormone'. So it will make you feel better and bring you closer to the ones that are special to you. So grab your spouse, kid, cat or ferret... It's cuddling time! :)

So there you have it! My personal five step program to get through any funkyness. And you know what the best part is? It won't cost you a penny. So what is your medicine? I'd love to hear it! 


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