
Charlotte's 18 month update!

Charlotte is 18 months old! She turned 18 months on her grandmother's birthday, so that made it extra special! Since I was at work most of the day Charlotte and grandma spent this day together and had a great time. They are so lovely together. I'm so lucky to call these two cool chicks family! :)

Weight & Height
Charlotte is now approximately 32 inches tall and weighs about 19 pounds. She wears a size 4 diaper and fits into the clothing size 12 - 18 months and shoe size 5. Right on schedule!

She has a vocabulary of about 20 - 25 words and is starting to form sentences. Communicating with her is getting easier by the day. She knows both Dutch and English words, since we speak both languages at home. She understands pretty much everything we say to her. Maybe not word by word, but she definitely understands the point we're trying to get across. She understands shapes and sounds and can name alot of objects, foods and animals. She's also a great runner!

Likes & Dislikes
She really likes to imitate people, especially mommy! She loves to walk around in my high heels, drag my handbags around the house (mommy likes this a little less, haha!), play with my make-up, pretend to make phone calls, clean the house and pretend to cook and make tea in her little play kitchen. So cute! She also loves to brush her hair, as you can see in the picture above! She also loves books, playing games on our Ipad, running, playing in her sandbox, being outdoors and eating raspberries!

She doesn't like being told no or being restrained in a carseat or chair. She really has a mind of her own and wants the freedom the roam around and explorer the surroundings. She doesn't really like men either, although there are a few exceptions. She definitely preffers women!

Her first sentences! She can now say a couple of them, but her first one was 'I wanna go outside'. She's really an outdoors kinda gal, so no suprises there! Besides that Charlotte also told her first lie! That was very unexpected, but I laughed so hard when it happened! We had a lunch date at a friend's house, but the food wasn't as nutritive as I would have liked. So on our way home I picked up some raspberries for the afternoon. I thought that we could share them, but Charlotte didn't agree! Every time I tried to take one out of the bowl, she gave me a dirty look and told me 'No, mom!'. By the time there were about five raspberries left I asked her if mommy could have one. She than looked at her bowl of raspberries, she looked at me, she shrugged and told me 'no left!'. That little stinky bum! I could see there were still some raspberries left and I know she could see that as well. She just didn't want to share them with me so she lied about it!

Obviously her getting sick and spending an entire week in the hospital was a pretty big scare! During her stay she had a moment where she was unresponsive and her heartbeat dropped to 30 beats a minute. That was horrible! But she underwent an EEG and ECG scan and her heart and brain didn't show any abnormal activity thank God! So that means things are slowly getting back to normal and there is no reason to catch up on the family vacation we had planned!

So there you have it! On to her 24 month update! Doesn't time go by so fast when they are at this age? Unbelievable!




This is the first time that I'm blogging from my Iphone, so bare with me here! We were supposed to be vacationing in France at the moment, but as you can probably tell from the title of this post, that didn't happen. We're at the hospital instead, and we've been here since Tuesday night. 

Charlotte started to develop respiratory problems in the evening and it got so bad we couldn't control it at home. We rushed to the hospital and when we got there her oxygen level was already pretty low. This meant she needed extra oxygen and prednisone. Which already sucks big time, but unfortunately it didn't end there. She also stopped eating and drinking. Besides being able to breath properly, getting enough fluids in is also kind of a big deal. This meant they had to place a feeding tube in her tiny little nose. That isn't a fun procedure to begin with. But since our little Houdini managed to get a hold of the tube and rip it out of her nose, they had to do it twice!
The first few days were horrible. Charlotte was feeling so bad and exhausted that all she could do was sleep and scream. The tube feeding wasn't sitting well with her either, so during one night she woke up screaming and projectile vommited the entire bag of fluids all over herself and me. That was horrible to see! Yesterday and today were okay since she's fit enough to have some playtime here and there, eventhough she isn't well enough to go home yet unfortunately!  
Before she can go home she needs to get through a night without extra oxygen and she needs to incease her fluid intake. They are also planning to do a ECG scan, which also needs to turn out okay obviously. After spending five nights here, we've definitely seen enough of this place already. The staff has been super friendly and we're really thankful for everything they have done for us. But there really is no place like home. So please wish our little munschkin well!                                                       



What's in my handbag?

Yes, I know! I'm pretty late to the ballgame with this one, but I just love "what's in my bag" posts. I love searching for them on the web and I have been planning to do one myself for ages. I decided to do a handbag version, because that's simply the bag I carry the most. But I might do a diaperbag version somewhere in the future. Who knows!

The Bag
The bag is a Louis Vuitton speedy 30 in damier azur. This is the handbag that I use the most right now. The light colors make it the perfect bag for this season. It's also my most recent purchase. I got it a couple of month ago and it was an early birthday present to myself. Now that may not sound very recent, but I rarely buy a new bag. I like high quality handbags and the ones I own pretty much last a lifetime, so there isn't much need to shop for a new bag too often. When I was younger I knew I wanted to own a Louis Vuitton bag one day, and since we had a couple of bucks to spare, my boyfriend gave me the green light to get one. I'm really enjoying this bag and I love it to pieces. I have absolutely no regrets about getting it what so ever, even if it was a bit of a splurge.When it's driving shotgun to work with me I have trouble keeping my eyes on the road. It's just so pretty!

The Stuff

1. My Sascha wallet. It's a full sized wallet which zipps pretty much all around, so it's great for easy access. It has a lovely bronze glow to it and subtle floral pattern. It's nothing special but it's a very functional piece and I haven't found anything I like better.
2. My Burberry DIY keychain! I wrote a post about it a couple of weeks ago. I love it to bits and I even use it as a small wallet sometimes. It's ideal for quick errands and I can just throw my cards in there and be on my way. It has my housekeys and carkeys on it, so I have everything I need all in one place. 
3. Lipgloss! No girl can live without right? This is called the chocolate sexy lips gloss and it smells amazing! Lipgloss and chocolate combined, there is nothing better!
4. A simple hair tie. Always handy to have one of these around. 
5. This is a bag chain I got off of Ebay. I use a handheld bag which is fine most of the time. But every once in a while I find myself in a situation where I just need an extra hand. Especially with a 1 year old running around! I just connect the hooks of this chain to the hardware on my bag and I can carry it as a crossbody bag. Ideal! And it only cost me a few dollars! Gotta love Ebay! 
6. A little notebook and a pen. The notebook was a gift from my mom. I use it to make my grocery list, write down little mental notes etcetera.
7. My Iphone! And how gorgeous is this case? It actually took me longer to pick out the case than the phone! Haha! It's the beige crocodile flipcase by Guess. I think it's absolutely gorgeous!
8. My Burberry sunglasses. I had these forever. It's a very classic model, so I think I'll get quite a few more years out of these before replacing them with a newer pair. 
9. And last but not least, a bottle of water! I work in a different city so I'm on the road alot. I've experienced some pretty serious traffic jams in the last couple of years, so I know the importance of carrying a bottle of water to keep myself hydrated. Especially in the summer when being on the road can be absolutely brutal!  

So, there you have it! All the stuff that I carry around  with me everyday. What are the items you can't live without and are absolute bag necessities to you?
