
Eight Months - Baby Update!

Charlotte is 8 months today! So it's about time for another baby update! So many things have changed the last couple of weeks. She's becoming so incredibly independent and she doesn't really need me for much anymore. She can entertain herself for long periods of time. She's also very mobile and can get where she wants to go all by herself now. I'm only there to make the food and clean diapers basically. Oh, and to give
hugs and kisses of course! :)

Weight & Height
According to last week's check-up, Charlotte weighs 16 pounds and 1 ounce. Not too shabby I think! And she is now 25,2 inches tall! She's still in her 3-6 month clothes. That may seem small, but Charlotte is pretty slim. Bigger clothes are simply too wide for her. All her fall/winter clothing is a size up though, so she will be moving into those soon!

Charlotte is on 3 meals a day, two small snacks and two bottles of formula. I have absolutely no idea how that happened! When we first introduced solids we got off at such a rocky start. There were times when I thought she'd be bottlefed forever! But things have really taken a turn! We start off at six a.m. with some oatmeal and a couple of sips of water. Around ten a.m. it's time for a snack. She gets a biscuit and some fruit flavored tea.We're using white tea with raspberry flavor at the moment. At around eleven a.m. it's time for the first bottle of the day. Around two p.m. it's time for lunch, which mostly consists of pureed fruits. At around four p.m. it's time for her second bottle. Two hours later it's time for dinner. Sometimes she eats what we eat (after throwing it in the blender) and sometimes she gets preproduced babyfood from a jar. We try to vary as much as possible. She eats chicken, fish, meat, veggies, patato, rice and pasta. Everything basically. At half past seven in the evening we wrap up with some yoghurt and water.

We decided to not introduce a sippy cup, but getting Charlotte used to drinking from a regular cup as soon as possible. We use a nosey cup for the transition. It's easier to drink from a cup like this because so she can tilt her cup a little bit more without knocking the cup against her nose. It comes in alot of different colors, but we had to get a pink one obviously! It looks like this:

Like I mentioned before, Charlotte is becoming so incredibly mobile! Sometimes she's really faster than lightning! She is not really crawling yet, she moves more like a tiger stalking it's prey. She loves to go out exploring. Doors are particularly interesting. She tries to open cabinets and doors all the time. She also loves to pull herself up. She can sit up by herself and can sit for a long period of time while playing with her toys. She also tried to do her first steps along the couch, but is still pretty much failing at that. But she's trying! She's making alot of different sounds and noises and we start to recognize some words in them. She's always been a very social baby, but now she's also making fysical contact. At last week's check-up she was actually lying on the changing mat holding the hand of the baby next to her. So cute! She loves to hold on to people and pull them closer. Unfortunately she's also a bit of a biter. She only has two bottom teeth, but those are sharp enough to leave a mark!

Well, that's all that comes to mind right now. See you later!



  1. Hello miss beautiful Charlotte, love the flower bow in the hair!!! Beautiful share keep them coming :)Keep enjoying the journey

  2. Thank you for your sweet comment! I'm a bit of a baby bow addict! :)

  3. Newest follower... just added your button!
